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UTP - Açu Petróleo

Quantitative Engineering (MTO) in addition to a Critical Analysis of the main systems of the AÇU PETROLEO Oil Treatment Unit.

AÇU PETRÓLEO S.A. is part of the Açu Port Complex, located in São João da Barra, state of Rio de Janeiro – Brazil. It is the only private company in the country that currently carries out STS oil handling operations. Its T-OIL oil terminal includes a 2.2 km breakwater and three berths for ships of the SUEZMAX and VLCC types.

AÇU PETRÓLEO S.A. intends to expand its Oil Logistics capacity, in addition to STS operations, with the installation of oil tanking, oil treatment, receiving and exporting oil through pipelines via T-Oil and being interconnected to the network of existing third-party pipelines to also receive and export oil.

Service Performed

Consulting - Cost Estimation, Multidisciplinary Engineering - Detailed / Executive


Survey of Quantities for the EPC of the UTP of AÇU PETROLEO

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Rua da Lapa, 180 / 5° – Centro
Rio de Janeiro - RJ - Brasil

+55 (21) 2224-8774

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