Idioma | Language

  • Açu Port

    Delivery Centre Açu's Test Bench.

  • As-Built Flowcharts

    Elaboration of “as-built” engineering flowcharts for PCP1, PCP3, PVM1 and PVM2 platforms.

  • Auxiliary Utilities - COMPERJ

    Technical verification of the original executive project, consistency analysis of the basic project of the New Compressors, complementation of the executive project for, Civil Construction,

  • Barbados - Silo Replacement

    Due to the structural compromise of the existing metallic storage silos, and as the factory operation cannot stop, this project foresees the execution of a new base for the installation of new metallic silos.

  • CCTV Metro Sao Paulo

    Installation of the CCTV System in 16 stations of the São Paulo Metro.

  • Cerrado - EVAP

    Civil project for “Evaporation”, in the chemical recovery area, of the largest factory in the pulp segment world.

  • Cerrado - Fiber Line

    Fiber Line for the pulp and paper industry in the municipality of Ribas do Rio Pardo in MS, called the Cerrado Project, with a production capacity of 2.55 million tons of eucalyptus pulp per year.

  • Cerrado - PD (Drying)

    Civil project of the Drying Area, comprising excavation projects, direct and deep foundations, dynamic analysis of equipment base, in-situ and precast concrete superstructures, metal roofing, rainwater drainage, contaminated and hydrosanitary, street...

  • Cerrado - RBPB

    Civil project of the "Recovery and power boilers", in the chemical recovery area, of the largest mill in the pulp segment in the world.

  • Cerrado - WLP & GAS

    Civil project for the “Caustification and Lime and Gasification Furnace”, in the chemical recovery area, of the mill factory in the pulp segment in the world.

  • Cerrado - Wood Yard

    Wood yard (200,400 m²) for the pulp and paper industry in the municipality of Ribas do Rio Pardo in MS, called the Cerrado Project, with a production capacity of 2.55 million tons of eucalyptus pulp per year.

  • Cerrado Project

    Basic civil detail engineering - layout, mechanics, piping, metallic structures, instrumentation, automation, electrical and fire prevention and fighting project, for the Suzano Cerrado project - fiber line.

  • COMPERJ - Route 3

    Rota 3 natural gas processing unit.

  • COMPERJ Building Complex

    Administrative Buildings, Restaurant, Gatehouses, Fire Fighting Truck Building, Environmental Defense Center, Warehouses, Helipad, Truck Inspection Area and the Refinery's Chilled Water Unit.

  • COMPERJ Torch Unit

    Flare Unit (Torch) of the COMPERJ UPGN.

  • Cooling Towers - COMPERJ

    Unit U-5601 (Block 1 cooling water system - 224,000 m³ / h) SE-5601 Substation (258 MW) Unit U8112-007 (scheduled stop area)

  • Coque Off-site Torch and Interconnection System - REDUC (Duque de Caxias Refinery)

    12 bridges with widths of 3.3m, 6.35m, and 10.22m, totaling an extension of 128.25 meters to span spans of 8m, 8.40m, 8.50m, 8.82m, 9m, 9.90m, 10m, 10.20m, 10.5m, 10.90m, 11.96m, and 22.6m.

  • Coque Off-site Torch and Interconnection System - REDUC (Duque de Caxias Refinery)

    Metal bridge for crossing the Main Flare line (ø = 54”), the Chemical Flare (ø = 12”), and its utilities, to span 34 meters.

  • Fazenda Solar Project (Allotment)

    Photovoltaic project of 610.000KWh.

  • FL - Capacity Increase II

    Increase in Capacity 2 of the Fiber Line of Klabin's PUMA 1 project, located in the municipality of Ortigueira, PR.

  • Fluid Laboratory

    Fluid Laboratory of the Tube Park

  • Gavião Preto

    Gavião Preto (GVP) is a gas production field that will start production in 2022. For the development of this field, it will be necessary to build 6 clusters of wells (Cluster 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6),

  • General Engineering RJ/SP

    Umbrella project signed between Braskem and OTZ for the Provision of General Engineering Services for Business Units in the state of Rio de Janeiro


    Provide customer support in the engineering detail project, implement As-Built in the documentation and 3D Model and technical support for the works on the P-68 Platform.

  • Imboassica Pipe Park

    Internal and external renovation of administrative buildings 501 and 502.

Results 1 - 25 of 55
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