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Cerrado - WLP & GAS

Cerrado - WLP & GAS

Civil project for the “Caustification and Lime and Gasification Furnace”, in the chemical recovery area, of the mill factory in the pulp segment in the world.

Cerrado - RBPB

Cerrado - RBPB

Civil project of the "Recovery and power boilers", in the chemical recovery area, of the largest mill in the pulp segment in the world.

Cerrado - Fiber Line

Cerrado - Fiber Line

Fiber Line for the pulp and paper industry in the municipality of Ribas do Rio Pardo in MS, called the Cerrado Project, with a production capacity of 2.55 million tons of eucalyptus pulp per year.

Cerrado - PD (Drying)

Cerrado - PD (Drying)

Civil project of the Drying Area, comprising excavation projects, direct and deep foundations, dynamic analysis of equipment base, in-situ and precast concrete superstructures, metal roofing, rainwater drainage, contaminated and hydrosanitary, street and paving, flooring of reinforced concrete and grounding mesh.

FL - Capacity Increase II

Increase in Capacity 2 of the Fiber Line of Klabin's PUMA 1 project, located in the municipality of Ortigueira, PR.

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