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Cooling Towers - COMPERJ

  • Unit U-5601 (Block 1 cooling water system - 224,000 m³ / h)
  • SE-5601 Substation (258 MW)
  • Unit U8112-007 (scheduled stop area)

REDUC (Duque de Caxias Refinery)

Hydrodesulfurization Unit (HDS), Hydrogen Generation Unit (UGH), and Substation.

Coque Off-site Torch and Interconnection System - REDUC (Duque de Caxias Refinery)

 Metal bridge for crossing the Main Flare line (ø = 54”), the Chemical Flare (ø = 12”), and its utilities, to span 34 meters.

Coque Off-site Torch and Interconnection System - REDUC (Duque de Caxias Refinery)

12 bridges with widths of 3.3m, 6.35m, and 10.22m, totaling an extension of 128.25 meters to span spans of 8m, 8.40m, 8.50m, 8.82m, 9m, 9.90m, 10m, 10.20m, 10.5m, 10.90m, 11.96m, and 22.6m.

Açu Port

Delivery Centre Açu's Test Bench.

Lubricant Factory

Adequacy of the fire and panic system.

OTZ Engenharia
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Rio de Janeiro - RJ - Brasil

+55 (21) 2224-8774

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