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Modules for P-75 and P-77

Modules for P-75 and P-77

  • FPSO - Oil production = 24,000 m³/day.
  • Module 6 - Gas Dehydration
  • Module 8 - H2S Removal
  • Module 14 - Chemicals

Modules 2, 3 and 7 of the P 75 and P77 (FPSO)

FPSO - Oil production = 24,000 m³/day.
Module 2 - CO² Compression
Module 3 - Export Gas Compression
Module 7 - Injection Gas

Suzano Jacareí

Basic civil engineering & layout, mechanics, piping, automation, electrical, instrumentation, for the Suzano Jacareí project # ale line plant (ASH Leaching) and MVR.

Cerrado Project

Basic civil detail engineering - layout, mechanics, piping, metallic structures, instrumentation, automation, electrical and fire prevention and fighting project, for the Suzano Cerrado project - fiber line.


Preparation of projects, supply of computerized systems, and provision of services necessary for contracting related to the implementation of the enterprise.


Provide customer support in the engineering detail project, implement As-Built in the documentation and 3D Model and technical support for the works on the P-68 Platform.

OTZ Engenharia
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