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PERENCO - Adequacy of Drainage System

PERENCO - Adequacy of Drainage System

Adequacy of the rainwater drainage systems of the Campos de Vermelho (PVM-1 and 3) and Carapebas (PCP-2) platforms.

PERENCO - Rainwater Drainage

PERENCO - Rainwater Drainage

Contracting Process for Electromechanical Assembly of the Pluvial Drainage Systems of the Platforms of Campos de Vermelho (PVM-1/2/3), Carapebas (PCP-1/2/3) and Pargo (PPG-1).

Replicating FPSOs

Replicating FPSOs

Engineering Project for Petrobras FPSOs - P-68 and P-70.



Electronic and/or automation systems projects for the Integrated Control Center (CIC) at the Madeira Island Submarine Base (BSIM).

CCTV Metro Sao Paulo

CCTV Metro Sao Paulo

Installation of the CCTV System in 16 stations of the São Paulo Metro.

Gavião Preto

Gavião Preto

Gavião Preto (GVP) is a gas production field that will start production in 2022. For the development of this field, it will be necessary to build 6 clusters of wells (Cluster 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6),

OTZ Engenharia
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